The Texas Travel Survey is sponsored by the Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT) and conducted by Resource Systems Group (RSG), a leading research and analytics firm.
The Department aims to ensure that Texans have access to fast, efficient, safe, and reliable transportation. To support this goal, TxDOT is sponsoring the Texas Travel Survey for Bryan and College Station. The survey will help TxDOT understand how residents like you use transportation today and how it can be improved to better meet your needs. By participating in the survey, you’ll make an important contribution to TxDOT’s efforts to improve transportation in your community and use its resources wisely.
TxDOT’s work has a real impact on your and your community’s everyday lives. Whether it be getting to work, dropping off kids at school, running errands, or jetting off for vacation, access to high quality transportation is vital to be sure you can get where you need to go safely, affordably, and in a timely manner.
We want to hear from you no matter how little or how much you travel and what method of transportation you use. Your participation ensures that households like yours are represented in local and statewide transportation plans.
We value your participation in this survey. As a thank you for your participation, you’ll receive a gift card once your entire household has completed the survey.
* The Reward provided will be in the form of a gift card. TxDOT contracts with third parties to collect data on the travel practices of Texans on TxDOT facilities. These third parties may offer rewards to promote the collection of travel survey data. TxDOT is not affiliated with any of these reward programs and is not responsible for the distribution of any awards.
The survey can be completed online, via an app, or over the phone with a customer support representative. First, we will ask you basic questions about your household demographics to make sure the survey results accurately represent the region. Then you will be assigned a travel day, and we’ll ask you about your travel on that day.
For more information about this study, please read our frequently asked questions or contact us.